meTIME massage therapy -******** Cancellation policy *******
Payments online are in full by the customer through paypal or BACS option.
These are none refundable purchases for holistic complementary and bodywork .
Your appointment MUST be honoured by the customer and the therapist (changes to appointments with over 24 hours notice can be made).
@meTIME massage therapy availability is limited due to popular demand- if you fail to attend your appointment, we cant fill the space short notice. We need at least 24 hours notice to avoid a cancellation charge of £35. If you fail to let us know this charge will be added on your next appointment.
We send text /email remainders the day before your appointment, but don't rely on the.
You have agreed to this policy ,through booking online and with our therapist's also signing a consultation form during your appointment.
IN A NUT SHELL REMEMBER YOUR APPOINTMENT ,DAY & TIME .for your meTIME to flow smoothly. :)
meTIME Products and purchases ****DISCLAIMER****
All facts, details & recommendations on our website are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of professionals. Our recommendations are based on the advice of qualified alternative therapy practitioners and widely accepted facts about a particular natural ingredient.
Customer feedback is provided voluntarily, and as such it is based on individual perception & expectations from a particular product.
Natural skin care products are not a medication, and we can only make recommendation for suitability of our products in certain skin ailments & conditions. Any recommendations accepted by a purchaser are accepted entirely at the purchasers risk.
By purchasing our products you accept responsibility to check with a professional before using any products that may interfere with drugs or medical conditions.
By purchasing our products you recognise and accept the fact that that some natural ingredients, essential oils in particular, may still cause sensitivity in susceptible individuals and that meTIME products will not be held responsible for such occurrences. We encourage those with sensitive skin to perform a patch test on the skin for possible reactions.
By ordering from our site you confirm and accept that you have read our terms and conditions.
Whilst every effort is made to accurately describe our products, there may be slight variation in product colour, packaging design or specification. We endeavour to make sure pricing is correct at time of publishing but reserve the right to change prices due to error or supplier changes.
We accept online payments by PayPal /BACS. Please note that payment for your order must be made upon check out.
Our products are very often made to order (they are fresh and handmade after all!). Please allow up to 5 working days for your order to be processed & despatched. If you have ordered products, which are in stock or already made, your order will be processed & despatched within 5 working days. Please note that we are not able to guarantee delivery times/dates and accept no responsibility for loss resulting from delivery delays.
Because of the nature of the products we sell we do not accept returns/refunds.
DAMAGED / INCORRECT GOODS:- We must be notified of incorrect, missing or damaged products within 3 days of receipt. - We accept no responsibility for goods damaged in transit, though it is at our discretion that we may send you a replacement. - All orders are checked carefully before dispatch to minimise the chance of a product missing from your parcel. Please check your package carefully before contacting us to advise of a missing product, smaller items can get lost within the loose fill used to secure your products in transit. We will not refund the P&P fee (for UK orders) and the relevant fee for overseas orders WILL NOT be refunded.
We do not accept responsibility for misuse of our products. It is the responsibility of the customer to use the products with discretion. We do not accept responsibility for damage or defect of goods arising from incorrect storage or use by the customer. We accept no liability for loss or consequential damage arising from the goods supplied.
All products are checked carefully before dispatch to the customer. We cannot be held responsible for deterioration of the products due to the customer's incorrect storage conditions ie, exposure to direct sunlight, frost, humidity or heat etc. The customer should ensure that the products are kept in cool and dry conditions (bathroom windowsills are often exposed to direct sunlight and so are the creams or products displayed on them), and a clean spatula is used to remove products from the jar (instead of fingers) to minimise the risk of deterioration in the product resulting from external contamination.
Our products are not preserved with chemicals substances such as parabens or phenoxyethanol. All ingredients used in our formulations are of natural origin with as minimal processing as possible. Our products have a shelf life of a minimum of 12 months unopened, and 6 months from opening. Most products will be usable for longer, however their quality may deteriorate. To avoid disappointment, please start using your products as soon as possible after purchase and keep them away from sun or heat. Please avoid stocking up - just like with fresh food, you are best buying only what you are likely to use within a few months.
We do not accept responsibility for the misuse of our products. It is the responsibility of the customer to use the products with discretion and check with a professional if in doubt. Pregnant customers and those on medication are urged to check suitability of our products with their GP. By purchasing our products, you recognise and accept the fact that that some natural ingredients, essential oils, may still cause sensitivity in susceptible individuals and that meTIME products will not be held responsible for such occurrences. We encourage new customers & those with sensitive skin to perform a patch test on the skin for possible reactions.
The privacy and security of your personal information is our priority. meTIME products is committed to protecting your privacy and will never disclose your personal details to anybody. We use the information you provide to complete orders, keep you informed of the progress of your purchase order.
meTIME massage therapy have A GDPR policy in place for each client ,once bookings confirmed you will receive an email from cliniko who your your details are securely kept , We are also covered by International information management association (IIMA)
meTIME wellbeing training academy ****Terms & Conditions*****
IMPORTANT: Please read these terms and conditions, as your contract starts from the date that you book your course online and is legally binding.
Please fill in the booking form with all relevant information, this helps to prepare your certificate, and allows the tutor to see what prior knowledge you hold. If the course you are attending has pre-requisites, we will need a copy of the relevant certificate emailed to us ASAP. The course cannot go ahead until we have received this. Training dates are not pencilled in until we have a booking form and then only for 24 hours from when the booking fee invoice is sent to you and payment received.
A non-refundable booking fee is required to secure your place and the training date is NOT confirmed until the this is received.
Once we send the invoice for the non-refundable booking fee, we hold training dates on provisional hold for a maximum of 24 hours, after which the date will be released.
Once we receive your booking fee, we will send you your home study manual and questionnaire which will need to be completed and returned to at least 14 days prior to the course date. Completion and return of the home study questionnaire is mandatory and if you fail to provide it within given time, then you will not be eligible to attend the course with no refund available. You must achieve 75% pass on the home study questionnaire to receive you’re your place on the course and receive your certificate.
20 days before the course is held, full payment should be completed and paid direct to Melanie Warburton (Metime wellbeing training academy).
The non-refundable booking fee for the course to be secured, needs to be paid by direct bank transfer. A £10 admin fee is added for paperwork and printing of course materials. For the final part of the payment for the course, Mel Warburton will provide you with details on ways in which this can be paid.
All booking fees and full course payments are STRICTLY NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE. We do, however, recognise that an attendance problem may arise, so we will allow a transfer to an alternative course provided 30 days’ notice is given and a nominal £15 admin fee will be charged. If students do not attend on the day without prior notice, they will lose, or be responsible for, the full course fee.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the courses you apply for are suitable for your requirements and that you have the pre-requisite qualifications and the competence to be able to achieve the objectives of this course. All student information will be confidential, nor will it be disclosed to other parties following GDPR Policy through Metime wellbeing training academy .
To the maximum extent permitted by law,Metime wellbeing training academy accepts no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage, foreseeable or otherwise, including any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of this website, or any information contained therein.
It is your responsibility as a student to check that your insurance will cover you for the course applied for. Details can be found under course accreditation under each course on our website
Courses will still run if there is only one student booked on but you may need to bring a friend or family member (course models) to practice on. We will give you at least 10 to 14 days’ notice if the course is under-subscribed to give you time to find a course models Metime wellbeing training academy will try and provide course models if you are finding it difficult to bring one yourself but is not their responsibility to do so.
The booking fee is totally non-refundable. If you cannot attend the course, your booking fee will not be returned to you. You may be able to transfer to the next course date if adequate notice is given.
If a student specifically requests 1-2-1 situation, the student will need to supply course model(s) to practice on. (We can sometimes arrange a model for you if you are unable to find a model). It is advisable to work on someone you know as you feel more relaxed and enjoy the course more. An additional 25% of the fee paid direct to Metime wellbeing training academy will be applied if you specifically request 1-2-1 tuition or we travel offsite to you.
The course manual is the property of Jane Bryan Beauty Training as is working in association and is Metime wellbeing training academy protected by copyright. You cannot reproduce any of the manual without express written permission from us. You will be in breach of contract by using the manual or teaching the subject from the manual.
Relevant course material and information will be emailed to you prior to the course once you have paid the non-refundable booking fee, communication will be through metime massage therapy. If you cannot print the manual off, we can post you a copy, but this will incur printing, postage and packaging costs of £25 Bacs to Melanie Warburton (Metime wellbeing training academy).
If you cannot attend the course, 10 days’ notice must be given.
Ñ Notice of 10 days or more
· Moving to another course date: £15 administration charge
o New date and course to be re-arranged within 6 months
o Cancellation of course: booking fee is not refundable
Ñ Notice of less than 10 days
· Moving to another course date: £30 administration fee
· Cancellation of course: booking and training fees not refundable
Ñ Notice of less than 5 days
· Moving to another course date: £60 administration fee
· Cancellation of course: booking and training fees not refundable
Ñ Notice of less than 72 hours
· Moving to another course date: £90 administration fee
· Cancellation of course: booking and training fees not refundable
Ñ Notice of less <48 hours
· Moving to another course date: £150 administration fee
· Cancellation of course: booking and training fees not refundable
In the event of a genuine reason for cancellation (proof of which may be required) a request for transfer to a later course will be considered at our discretion. Courses transferred will incur an administration fee of £15, otherwise the above charges will apply.
To practice the therapy that you have just studied with Metime wellbeing training academy by Jane Bryan Beauty Training, valid insurance is needed. Information regarding this is found in your manual.
It is your responsibility to check that your existing insurance company will accept the course for insurance purposes’ Remember to check this. if they, don’t you must source your own insurance to trade in the desired subject.
Courses are certificated and accredited with Thinktree. Some courses can be added to your CPD.
Jane Bryan Beauty Training teaches and supplies courses to a high standard adhering to all health and safety standards throughout.
Certificates are given out to students who have shown competence, knowledge and safely practice throughout the course such as Observation, participation, practical assessment and submitted case studies which are deemed acceptable. However, we have the right to withhold the certificate if Metime wellbeing training academy (Melanie Warburton) deems the student to not have reached a competent standard. Further case studies will be set, and reassessment will be arranged. There may be an additional charge for this.
For professional standards, a certificate is awarded to show competence, but it is expected /recommended that each new therapist, practices the subject recently learnt at least 6-10 times before taking payment and advertising for clients, to increase confidence and practice as a therapist before paying clients.
All staff working with children and vulnerable adults have a legal duty to work together
to protect them from harm or abuse. MeTIME wellbeing training academy Safeguarding lead has overall responsibility for the safeguarding of learners, and is responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of all work done to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people on programme. MeTIME wellbeing training academy Policy covers:
· The recruitment and employment of staff working with vulnerable adults and the provision of a safe learning environment under the requirements of this act
· Training & Development Manager & HR department are responsible for ensuring that MeTIME wellbeing training academy follows safer recruitment procedures. This includes carrying out Disclosure and Baring checks on all staff working with vulnerable learners every three years. This also applies where staffs have already been checked by a previous employer.
Statement of Intent:
MeTIME wellbeing training academy’s first priority is to ensure the safety and protection of all learners taking part in learning. In order to protect young people and vulnerable adults from harm we will act in accordance with the following legislation and guidance: ‘No Secrets’ DH 2000.
This policy statement applies to all learning provided by MeTIME wellbeing training academy , and includes:
· All learning provision for adults delivered directly by employed staff
· All learning provision for adults commissioned through partnership arrangements
Safeguarding The term “safeguarding” describes the broader preventative and precautionary approach to planning and procedures that are necessary to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from any potential harm or damage.
Safeguarding means:
· Protection from abuse and neglect
· Promotion of health and development
· Ensuring safety and care relating to the environment and activity
· Ensuring optimum life chances
‘Child’ or ‘Young Adult’ An individual is considered to be a child or young person up to their 18th birthday
‘Vulnerable Adult’ A Vulnerable adult is any person aged 18 or over ‘who is, or may be in need of, community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is, or may be, unable to take care of him or herself or protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation’ (‘No Secrets’ DH 2000).
The list below is not exhaustive but a vulnerable adult may be someone
· who: is elderly and frail
· has a mental disorder
· has a physical or sensory disability has a severe physical illness
· is a substance misuser is homeless
· has a learning disability
Abuse’ is
“a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons” (‘No Secrets’ DH 2000). Abuse may consist of a single act or repeated acts, abuse may happen intentionally or unintentionally and can take place in any relationship or setting. Examples of abuse that could occur in a learning environment include:
Physical abuse – shoving, hitting, slapping
Sexual abuse - involvement in any direct or indirect (e.g. innuendo, pornography) activity against the learner’s will or knowledge
Emotional/psychological abuse e.g. intimidation, bullying or humiliation Discriminatory abuse e.g. racial, sexual or religious harassment Financial or material exploitation e.g. coercing money or goods
Institutional abuse e.g. failure to ensure privacy, dignity or uphold individual human and civil rights.
Neglect or acts of omission e.g. ignoring physical or medical needs, failure to access appropriate health, social care or educational services, withholding medication.
An abuser: may be anyone including relatives, friends, professional staff, other learners and service-users, neighbours, care workers, volunteers, and strangers.
Policy Statement
MeTIME wellbeing training academy is committed to promoting safeguarding through the provision of an inclusive, supportive and safe environment for its learners, staff and others closely associated with its work and affirms the rights of individuals to be treated fairly and with respect.
MeTIME wellbeing training academy intends to pursue this commitment by
Promoting a culture of value and respect for all within a supportive and safe learning environment
o Ensure that all internal tutoring staff, and learning and personal support staff in contact with learners have a current Disclosure and Barring check for working with adults and/or children
o Provide accessible information for learners, tutoring staff and subcontracting providers on equality, diversity, bullying, harassment, dignity and respect in the learning environment
o We will provide opportunities for adults and young people to voice any concerns they may have regarding inappropriate behaviour, abuse, harassment or misconduct and providing strong sanctions to deter victimisation or cover up of malpractice
o Supply information to learners on MeTIME wellbeing training academy procedures for following up complaints relating to the conduct of tutoring staff and/or other learners
o Require all tutoring staff and others associated with the delivery of our provision to carry and produce appropriate identification on request
o Ensure that premises used to deliver learning activities are risk assessed by appropriately trained staff
o Ensure that learning activities are risk assessed by appropriately trained staff
o Ensure that care and safety issues and concerns are reported
Providing Information, training and briefings on safeguarding vulnerable adults and children that includes:
o Include information on Safeguarding as part of learner induction
o Provide information to tutoring staff and learners about the standards we expect with regard to confidentiality and disclosure
o Provide appropriate training for tutoring staff on safeguarding, disclosure and diversity matters
o Distribute information to all internal on the signs of abuse and the action to take if/when abuse is reported.
o Provide accessible information for learners, and tutoring staff on the complaint’s procedure
o Provide headline information for learners on safeguarding, e-safety, bullying and harassment equality of opportunity and diversity.
o Provide learners with the name of the designated safeguarding contact and the procedure to be followed in the case of any alleged case of bullying or harassment
Gathering and analysing information from learners on matters related to feeling safe in the learning environment
o Generate questions on the feedback form to elicit how safe learners feel in the learning environment
o Analyse the information obtained and acting on the results
Monitoring the effectiveness of this Safeguarding Policy and reviewing it annually
o Monitor the safeguarding practices within provision
o Identify and sharing good practice in safeguarding with subcontracted providers
o Review the MeTIME wellbeing training academy safeguarding policy on an annual basis
o Link with learning networks and the local authority safeguarding unit to ensure that information on safeguarding is current and up to date
All enquiries relating to safeguarding issues should be addressed in the first instance to the
designated safeguarding officer for MeTIME wellbeing training academy Assessment Centre.
Reporting an incident
After direct or indirect disclosure or signs of abuse are spotted, please inform, in the first instance the Training & Development Manager, with the following information:
o What your concerns are.
o Where, when, who from and how you got the concerns.
o What you have done.
o Whether the parents/carers and learner are aware of this referral?
o Any additional info about the learner. (Use the registration form) Contact information for anyone involved
Write a report within 48 hours. Include all details of the disclosure including who was present and the reasons for your decision to make a referral. Ensure this is stored in a secure file. If there is immediate danger call 999
Send all report to
Safeguarding Officer; -
This policy has been approved & authorised by:
Name: Melanie Warburton
Date: August 2024
Signature: M.Warburton
Review of Policy: 18 months
You will be expected to turn up punctually for the course, as provided by Metime wellbeing training academy.
Any medical conditions should be discussed prior to the course and noted on your booking form please let Melanie Warburton (Metime wellbeing training academy) know if you require any learning preferences and we will try and adapt to meet your needs.
You should be prepared to give and receive treatments throughout the course to complete and be deemed competent. This is a hands-on therapy course and lots of practice.
© Please wear comfortable suitable clothing for practicing treatments in i.e. jogging bottoms and a tee-shirt are acceptable (no Jeans please)
© Bring a cardigan /something warm as we may get a little chilly
© Flat shoes or socks for footwear.
© Short nails are required, you cannot perform treatments with long nails, so please do not turn up with long nails on the course, as you will be asked to leave.
© Any items left will need to be picked up. If they are posted out Metime wellbeing training academy holds no responsibility to them arriving and a fee will be charged for postage. Items will be kept safe for collection. P&P will be BACS to Melanie Warburton () .Metime wellbeing training academy
© If you do not complete and return the home study questionnaire before 4 days prior to the course, you will not be able to attend the course and you will lose all monies paid
In the unlikely event your training course with us does not meet your expectations, the following policy should be followed:
Stage 1: Within 24 hours of attending the course, speak to your tutor Melanie Warburton (verbally or via email) if you feel you can in a calm manner to try and resolve any issues you may have.
Stage 2: If your complaint has not been resolved within 72 hours, send in a written copy of the facts of your complaint to the Training Director: Complaints will only be taken forward in this format so please do not send them via social media or text message.
Your complaint will be investigated in full (the person you have complained about will have to be notified) and a conclusion drawn based on evidence from both parties. You will be notified with the outcome within 14 days of receipt of your complaint (assuming the tutor is not on holiday).
This course is taught to a high standard throughout, it does not diagnose medical conditions and should not be treated as a substitute for medical care. Contraindications and benefits are discussed as part of the course but are not intended to represent medical advice, nor be deemed as a treatment to cure or prevent disease. As therapists we are not to diagnose medically.
All manuals have been checked and approved for accreditation through Towergate Health & Beauty. Thinktree & Associated Beauty Therapists. In the case of courses that we teach for other recognised training providers these have either been accredited by The CMA or a different body.
Metime wellbeing training academy- accept no liability for injury or loss to person or property throughout
Metime wellbeing training academy - holds no responsibility for damage caused by you to another person after you have received your training.
meTIME massage therapy & Training
23 Fairbanks ,Sowerby bridge ,HX6 2AB
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